Health Center Visit

Morning Day 4

~ by Cathy Low ~

I am a nurse and travel a lot. I love to explore clinics throughout the world. So, when we had the opportunity to visit Bumbogo Health Center, I was so excited. The health center sees an average of 150 patients daily and services a population of 38,000. Louise, the center’s director, midwife & nurse, (so many hats it sounds exhausting!) was so knowledgeable, welcoming and oh so lovely. The pride she takes in the work she does shone through. Her graciousness for the mattresses, beds and sinks with running water in each clinic (can you imagine, before you had to go outside to wash your hands and nurses wash their hands a lot!) all donated by LWA was effusive. The clinic was clean, well-organized and well run. There is a lab, 2 birthing rooms (they average 35 births per month), a neonate/mom observation room, vaccination clinic, wound clinic and respiratory clinic. Only nurses run the clinic with a doctor available for consultation by phone if needed! These nurses are amazing! They had a laundry set up so that every patient had a clean sheet. (I am not talking washing machines here-all done by hand!) In developing countries, patients may not have a mattress to lie on and if there is a sheet, it is often used for every patient that day. Can you imagine if you are the last one! A mother who had just delivered her baby in the last 24 hours was excited to share with us that she had just delivered her 3rd child and with the first 2, she was required to bring her own linens. But now, she did not have to worry about bringing any and it was wonderful. Remember, these pregnant women (in labor !!) walk several miles up and down hills on rutted dirt paths to get to the health center, some even delivering on the way! Educating the patient population on such topics as birth control (an average family can have 6 kids or more), prenatal care (to help prevent birth defects) and medications for the improvement of the population’s general health is daunting. Even when the government offers these things for free,  many are wary to use them. Bumbogo Health Center, Louise and her staff are a true beacon to improving the general health of their patient population and are truly God’s blessing. I was so thankful I got to meet them!

Bumbogo Health Center
Cathy and Louise
Patient intake room
Wound care room in the clinic
Mother who shared her story with the team

5 responses to “Health Center Visit”

  1. Marian Burley Avatar
    Marian Burley

    Wow, Kathy, what excellent information. I have such a better picture of the improvements happening for the women in the remote areas of Rwanda. Although, so much more could happen for them to improve their lives. But steps are happening – praises for the knowledge and care of the nurses there providing for these remote families along with more knowledge you can provide. What a rewarding experience for you and for them. Thank you!

  2. Julie Ribelin Avatar

    Thank you for your knowledgeable perspective. I have a much better idea about the clinic now and I’m so pleased that we have been able to help with this also. It all sounds like such a worthwhile trip. Thank you for being there !

  3. Joe and Beth Taggart Avatar
    Joe and Beth Taggart

    Thank you Cathy. I am awed by what the nurses do, and the courage of the mothers, too. Imagine walking miles in labor. Thanks for the thorough description of the clinic.

  4. Rolfe Granath Avatar
    Rolfe Granath

    Thanks for your report and your background. Underscores the degree of improvement possible in that context. WOW

  5. Bonnie Mahan Avatar

    Enlightening! We take so much for granted in the States🙏
    Thank you for your report and for being there to assess for us what the needs are. Praise God for the improvements and the staff.