“African Massage”: Traveling the Roads and Paths of Rwanda

Day 12

~ by Susie LeBlanc ~

You can apply the words “Love with Action” to traveling on the back roads of Rwanda. It’s like dancing but harder and certainly not as fun. We were “a rockin and a rollin, rockin and a reelin”, every inch of the way! We dodged moon craters, slid through red mud holes, and gingerly crawled over miles of embedded rocks that would “shake rattle and roll” every bone in our bodies. It was a real workout. Some of the ladies even recorded 10,000 steps on their Fitbit without ever getting out of the car! Our drivers referred to it as the “African massage.”

Not to be outdone by the roads, the paths we wandered in order to get to the homes of the children we were visiting were another challenge all together! We jumped over small, deep ravines, wound our way through a myriad of homes, leaped from one rock to another to avoid wash outs and showed our long jump skills crossing small rivers running down the side of the road. These “little” hikes were not for the faint hearted!  It was amazing to see these mamas with babies wrapped on their backs move through the maze with such ease and grace. They wear brightly colored dresses or skirts that are mixed and matched with tops, shawls, and sometimes head coverings that create a living piece of wonderful artwork as they move up and down, or in and out of a beautiful textured backdrop of greens and soft browns. It is a symphony to behold.

How about if you just go next year with the team and experience it for yourself.

Roads and paths often had washout ruts from the rain
Walking down the road
One of the smoother rural roads
Walking to home visits the paths were sometimes steep…
…and often narrow and muddy

6 responses to ““African Massage”: Traveling the Roads and Paths of Rwanda”

  1. Ceeya Patton-Bolman Avatar

    A beautiful post! I can see in my mind right where you are!!

  2. Michelle Hill Avatar
    Michelle Hill

    Amazing description. Keeps you greatful for all you have!

  3. Kath Avatar

    Beautiful description.

  4. Kath Avatar

    Beautiful description.

  5. Bonnie Avatar

    Nice literary giving an accurate sense of being there! Those Rwandan women sure are hardy. Puts me to shame. So nice you could visit them regardless of their location.👏

  6. Charlotte QUARTON Avatar
    Charlotte QUARTON

    Susie, what a vivid description of one of the Rwanda experiences. It was as if we were there with you. These people have a strong determination to make the best if their lives. God is with them.