LWA Men’s Meeting

Morning Day 5

~ by Joel Adams ~

What a powerful morning! This morning Mike, Win and I had the honor of meeting with fathers of the children of Love With Actions. This is no small thing. It is a common tale for fathers who when discovering their child is disabled to abandon their child, or become abusive or refuse to acknowledge and care for their child. The eighteen men we met with, stood and shared their stories, their struggles and the suffering they have experienced having a disabled child. These men and their families face discrimination within their family, and their local community. They are shunned in the belief that something evil has entered the family, or the belief that they have been cursed. People distance themselves from these children worried they will catch the same thing or be cursed themselves. Many of the men sacrificed their businesses and sold everything to provide for their famiies. The cost of raising a disabled child makes life even more of a struggle here in these villages in Rwanda. The pain and the shame they shared was gutwrenching and truly heart breaking.

Amidst the struggle, the shame, the loss and isolation, these men though stand with their children and their wives. They are strong, courageous and determined to be men who provide and care for their child and family. Today as they stood sharing their experiences, their emotions were so palpable. These men seemed to find community, and left with a sense that they are not alone as other men struggle and have experienced similar or the same things. And equally as powerful, most of these men shared their deep, heartfelt gratitude for the difference Love With Actions has made for them in normalizing and destygmatizing disablity, while also helping to provide financial and emtional support. And they shared the joy and thankfulness for how the physical and occupational therapy and family like support has changed the life of their children and familly for the better.

Coming alongside those who suffer is very much the ministry of Jesus. And today as we folowed his invitation to come and follow, we expererienced the power of the Spirit working in the lives of men and their children. What a powerful morning having front row seats to see how God is at work through the amazing ministry and mission of Love With Actions. it was a gift and honor.

Men’s group participants

10 responses to “LWA Men’s Meeting”

  1. Kath Avatar

    What an answer to years of prayer that this interaction is a reality. Bless you all.

  2. Sandy Avatar

    Wow! What a wonderful opportunity for bonding! Thank you for hearing their stories and encouraging them in their walk with Jesus. Also thank you for sharing this moving account of your time with them.

  3. Bob Schneider Avatar
    Bob Schneider

    How wonderful to see the courage to truly go with Christ. I wish you could help the men learn that this is not a curse and that it is not of God. God / Christ is what is truly in them to embrace their wife and child and to do what love moves them to. Oh but to help educate above the superstition and the poor teachings of some religions and religious groups. Surely that would be the mission of Christ there!!

  4. Trinka Mullin Avatar
    Trinka Mullin

    I am in awe of these men. Thank you for sharing their story. So thankful they are finding support at Love With Actions.

  5. Julie Ribelin Avatar

    I love this story and photo. I am thankful that Mike got to be a part of this powerful exchange. Praise these men who are showing such courage and staying with their family. Isn’t this what Jesus would do in coming alongside these men ? Thank you, God !

  6. Joe and Beth Taggart Avatar
    Joe and Beth Taggart

    This story is a powerful example of the difference LWA makes in the lives of the children, their families and their communities. Thank God for LWA!

  7. Kate Curtis Avatar
    Kate Curtis

    This is awesome for you men to stand along side of the fathers and show love and support.

  8. Bonnie Mahan Avatar
    Bonnie Mahan

    Jesus is pleased and truly present. Hallelujah!🙏❣️

  9. Marian Burley Avatar
    Marian Burley

    So many of these men look so young. It is too bad the influences of curses and evil dominate their understanding when the love and grace of Jesus should be taught. I hope they experienced that when meeting with you kind men and will take that home to their families. I appreciate your courage and determination to talk with these men and support the choices they’ve made to stay with their families. God and work, again.

  10. Michael Fishman Avatar
    Michael Fishman

    A(men) Joel. As you and your kids know well… behind strong fathers are, most often, powerful mothers. Let’s keep teaching our boys to be men and girls to be powerful women. Thank you for supporting this heroism of these parents and children.