Working in the Community

Morning Day 3

~ by Deb Rillos ~

Two groups worked in the community of Bumbogo providing support to the people living there.  Group One (Joel, Sue and Sally) worked alongside some muscular men to shore up a bridge serving the LWA vehicles as they provide transportation to and from the Good Shepherd Academy and the homes of the children — and the entire community of Bumbogo.  And the second group (Mike, Low, Andy and Deb) worked alongside local brick masons to create a three-room structure for Bernadette, a 72-year-old widow who has been blind since she was three years old.  The three rooms include a latrine, a private space for bathing, and a kitchen.   The work of walking up and down steep roads to bring loads of clay for brick making and also carrying the mud used as mortar to hold the bricks together were powerful reminders that “it takes a village.” 

Hauling logs for the bridge
Bridge under construction
Three-room structure under construction
Three-room structure under construction
Finished redo of Bernadette’s home exterior
Finished outbuilding at Bernadette’s home

5 responses to “Working in the Community”

  1. Marian Burley Avatar
    Marian Burley

    Wow! Hard labor but what a reward for Bernadette! She must be thrilled. Go team!!

  2. Joe and Beth Taggart Avatar
    Joe and Beth Taggart

    Hard work together! Good for everyone, the givers and the receivers.

  3. Lee Avatar

    You are doing life-changing work. So awesome! So godly!

  4. Kate schneider Avatar
    Kate schneider

    Thinking of you every day! So exciting to see what you are doing. Hoping that although this was a physically tough day that you felt true peace and contentment as you work alongside these beautiful people and take in their true joy .
    Thank you for being there. kate

  5. Tori Avatar

    Hands and feet – at work. Wow!