Shalom Community Organization

Rubavu, Rwanda


To create transformed communities by forming reconciled groups that work together to creatively design and implement initiatives to meet their basic needs related to poverty, health, ediucation, governance, and the environment.

Ongoing Programs

  • Workshops on reconciliation and the healing of wounds from the genocide and ethnic conflict
  • Small groups of youth and women formed for mutual support, saving for health insurance, and work together to solve problems related to poverty and broken relationships. Over 400 women and 300 students participate.
  • Workshops on leadership, conflict resolution, hygiene, nutrition and other topics
  • Women’s literacy training
  • IT training for youth and women at Shalom computer center
  • Demonstration farm to teach agriculture and combat malnutrition, especially among those under 5 years of age
  • Building of energy efficient stoves in local homes (improving health, finances, and the environment)
  • Youth soccer teams, dance groups, and high school clubs to promote peace and ethnic cooperation


  • Director: Jean Paul Mukunzi
  • Program Assistant: Judith Mugisha

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Womens’ Development groups with Team Rwanda

Women with seedlings to plant at home

Computer training for secondary students